Spring  2025: 

Fall 2024: 

Spring 2024: 


Fall 2023: 

Summer 2023: 

Aisha's first manuscript is online at BioRxiv!  Thanks to Aisha and all the others who contributed to this story! 

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.26.542522

Fall 2022: Two new graduate students, Andrew Gutierrez and Fernando Figueroa Santiago joined the lab!!  

Adil successfully passed the candidacy exam! 

Aisha Hamid presented a poster at the insect central complex meeting at Janelia

Alexa Gonzalez attended the SACNAS conference in Porto Rico

Summer 2022: News Artilce: Undergraduate Researchers Search for Anwers in the Neural Diversity lab Read here  

Kriday (Clovis High School), Yasmin (Las Cruces High School), Lila (Albuquerque High School) started summer projects in the lab

Aisha Hamid, a graduate student got accepted into the "Neurophysics of locomotion" workshop at UCSB. 

Aisha Hamid "The Girl With The Microscope" and The FlyGuy attended 3 days of Zia and Jemez Pueblo's joint education retreat. 

Spring 2022: Lindsey and Brandi, two new undergrads joined the lab

Alexa and Brandi got into UNM U-RISE program!!

Congratulations to Krishna for earning Suma Cum Lauda on his honors thesis and receiving the Robert B. Loftfield award 

Together with Matthew Clark, a 3 days Pueblo Brain Science: Building Diversity in Neuroscience was organized, more here 

Congratulations to Krishna, Gonzalo and Nora on their graduation 

Gonzalo M Chaya got the Victoria Finnerty travel award to attend and present at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference 

Alexa Gonzales got an ASSURE scholarship for research

Kamila and Naima students worked for their high school honors project

Adil Wani gave an oral presentation at the "Neurobiology of Drosophila" conference at CSHL! Great achievement!

Sean Maez got an ASSURE scholarship for research

Summer 2021: Sean Maez got a McNair fellowship

Our lab is funded through NSF CAREER Award! thanks NSF! 

Andrew Gutierrez joins the lab as a research assistant!

Fall 2020: Aisha Hamid joined the neural diversity lab - Second grad student!! 

Summer 2020: Nora got MARC fellowship, congrats Nora!!!

Spring 2020: COVID +

An interview about Timing in Development  with the Knowable Magazine from Annual Reviews 

Jacob, Nora and Krishna -  three undergraduates join the lab!

Summer 2019: Adil Rashid joined the lab as graduate students !